Emerging market credit. Made credible.

Transparent risk. Measurable returns. Traceable impact.

Platform overview

Financial analysis tools 

RealFi’s dynamic modelling tools enable users to stress test funding opportunities, helping them to better understand potential risks and rewards.

Screenshot of the RealFi platform

Credit analysis tools

RealFi’s credit analytic tools help users get a more granular view of the business and early warning signals of fintech lenders.

Screenshot of the RealFi platform

Impact analysis tools

RealFi impact monitoring tools measure investment outcomes based on international benchmarks.

Screenshot of the RealFi platform

The RealFi platform aims to work with leading fintech lenders across emerging markets. 

4G Capital

4G Capital (founded in 2013) lends to micro-enterprises operating in the informal sector in Kenya and Uganda.

Customer story

Heroes of the hustle - Salome's story

Key achievements

The RealFi advantage

Access the digital lending market in the global south with the right decisioning tools

RealFi provides tools that enable monitoring and analysis of financial and impact KPIs to help users manage risk and make informed decisions.

World map with the following countries highlighted: Uganda, Kenya, Mexico, India, Philippines
A lady shopping
Buy not on optimism, but on arithmetic
Benjamin Graham
Smiling ladies watering plants

Learn more about how to accelerate your growth with RealFi tools.